Follow These Steps To Win More Steps
Segue to proactive mode
Identify prospects
Lean on loyals for referrals
Create a strong pitch
Cross-sell and up-sell existing customers
Get partners to sell for you
Follow up (with thanks) after the sale Segue to Proactive Mode
The first and most important thing you can do to upgrade your sales results is very simple: Make your sales effort a priority.
It seems obvious, but sometimes with all the minutiae of running a business, you get caught up in other activities that don’t put you directly on the path to growth.Over time, this can become a rhythm that sticks you in the status quo, stagnating. If this sounds familiar to you, it’s time to change your mindset.
To knock the dust off your current sales effort, here are some easy but helpful tips to move you into proactive selling mode.
Create a daily sales checklist. For example, identify the number of accounts you’ll approach today. Set aside a specific amount of time each day when you’re focused strictly on selling activity (or at least, someone at your business is). Treat your selling time as sacred. Don’t let inbound e-mails or piles of snail mail distract you or break your focus. To sell effectively, you have to be in selling mode. Know your product or service in and out, rehearse your script, get upbeat, heck — listen to a favorite inspiring song if that’s what it takes! Just be sure you get in the zone, because this kind of energy brings out the best in you. Plus, it’s wildly contagious.
Look at sales as a numbers game. Rejection is an opportunity to learn, streamline your pitch and try again. Be sure you crank up the pipeline of potential sales so you have good odds of closing on enough business to meet your goals. Set performance goals. For example, you will achieve $X in sales during Y period of time. If you don’t reach the goals, you need to analyze why. It could be that you need to, a) make changes in what you’re offering, b) change the way you’re offering it, or perhaps, C) reset your goals at more reasonable levels. Unify everyone’s effort at the company by sharing the goals team-wide. There’s nothing like keeping everyone informed and aligned to create an environment where people are armed to be proactive.
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I started this site to help others with tips in Sales, Telecom-Renewable Energy awareness. Contact me Tradd Duggan , LinkedIn profile. To Network, possible Sales openings your company may have or more information.